Maldives State Shipping’s (MSS) voyages to Singapore and Malaysia

Maldives State Shipping (MSS) Managing Director Ahmed Shareef has stated that MSS Graphene commenced the voyages to Malaysia and Singapore.

The vessel will operate from Port Klang, Malaysia and Singapore to Colombo, Sri Lanka. The voyages are operated by MSS’s own ship, the MSS Graphene. The MSS ship is scheduled to leave Port Klang on the 13th of this month.

Managing Director Ahmed Shareef stated that MSS Graphene has the capacity to carry 500 containers at a time and there is a huge demand for these voyages.

According to MSS MD, “We are looking at a round trip of 14-15 days, so seven days for a sector, and as the business continues, more ports in the region will enter MSS feeder network”.

These cargo coming in from Port Klang and Colombo will first be brought to the Colombo port on MSS Graphene via this new service. These cargo will then be transported to Male’ via our regular feeder service between Colombo – Male. MSS Galena and YC Barrier runs a regular 10 days’ shuttle between Colombo and Male’.

MD Shareef said there are plans to start MSS voyages to other destinations as well.

“We are thinking of getting the ships needed for different areas and we plan to do it as much as the financing is available,” MSS MD Shareef said.

MSS currently has a fleet of 5 ships. The company currently operates liner services between Colombo – Male and UAE – Male’. The company has agents in more than 30 countries and has more than 2,000 containers.

MSS is a shipping and logistics company owned by STO, offering an extensive international liner shipping service. MSS began its services in 2020 to simplify logistics and transform the Maldivian economy.

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